Saturday, April 6, 2013

Comfortable Won't Make You Better

Confession:  I have horrible flexibility, and my balance is highly questionable.  If anyone would like a good laugh just ask me to balance on my left leg.  Inevitably I will fall over.

I have wanted to try yoga for the last couple of weeks, but I could never bring myself to do it.  I found excuses as to why I couldn't make a class; "my schedule wouldn't allow for it", "I am tired", or the best one "no one wants to try it with me."  Every single excuse I came up with was complete BS!

Truth be told, I know how bad my flexibility and balance is and I didn't want to expose it to the world.  Yes, you heard me.  I am a bit self-conscious about my flexibility and balance.  When I woke-up this morning I wrestled with the thought for about an hour, but finally I decided to put my ego and pride aside and step outside of my comfort zone.

I marched right into Evolution Yoga to try a class.  The instructor was very nice.  She asked if I had ever done yoga before.  I smiled really big (trying not to laugh) and said, "once."  She politely handed me a mat and told me to find a spot.

Not wanting to stick out like a sore thumb, I walked into the classroom like a champ.  I had no idea that the class that I walked in on was not only hot yoga, but it was advanced.  I found a spot, rolled out my mat, and said a silent prayer that I wouldn't fall on my face.

The good news, I didn't fall on my face.  The bad news, I suck at yoga.

How is it that I can back squat 200 pounds, deadlift 300 pounds, do a ton of pull-ups and push-ups yet, I can't hold a silly Tree Pose to save my life?  Seriously, I couldn't balance on one foot and put my arms over my head for 10 seconds!  10 freakin' seconds!  WTF?  Of course, the girl next to me was the beast of the Yogis and was standing on her head, meanwhile I'm struggling to hold a Warrior One.  If I wasn't so nice I would have kicked her over.  I was so frustrated!

As the class came to a close, I made a decision to commit to yoga for a month.  Honestly, I was a bit disappointed in myself.  I pride myself in being physically fit and strong.  My life's work is helping others improve their health and fitness.  But how can I ask others to improve themselves if I don't make an earnest effort to do the same for myself?  With that being said, my yoga journey begins.

Success is not obtained by staying within your comfort zones.  Goals cannot be met if you continually do the same things.  If you want to be a better person and improve in some place in your life, easy will not get you there.  As Tony Robbins said, "don't wish things were easy, wish you were better.  Don't just wish, but do something about it."

Today's yoga experience might have been humbling and a slight bit embarrassing for me, but I guarantee that in a month I will be holding a Tree Pose like a BOSS!  And with my mindset and fortitude, I might even be going for a headstand before long.

Is there something that you have been shying away from because it's difficult for you?  Maybe you want to try a new sport, or get stronger, lose weight but are hesitant to take the first step.  I challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone and go for it.  You will never know the outcome unless you try.

Empower * Inspire * Encourage


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