Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What Does Fitness Mean To You?

Lately I have been kind of inconsistent with my training.  I have been so busy getting ready to open a new business and studying for school, that I have not been putting in the disciplined time that I generally do for training.  I figured that I can slack here and there, and pick it back up in a few weeks.  Don't get me wrong, I train at least 3-5 times a week, but I have not been that focused in the area of fitness the way I usually am.  I have been very moody lately and not feeling like myself.  I have been neglecting fitness, putting it on the back burner thinking it is not a priority.  But I was reminded what fitness means to me this morning and why it is a necessity in my life.  Here, let me share.

My morning actually started off decent, being that I didn't hit the snooze button and woke-up on time.  I had my typical 4 egg, avocado, and salsa breakfast followed with berries and a large glass of water.  On my way in to train my class, I stopped at Starbucks to get my usual, Venti Americano.  My morning coaching session went well and I was feeling great.  Everything was going good, until it wasn't.

Immediately after the session was over, my stomach started to hurt...BAD.  I knew I needed to get home, ASAP!  Before I could leave I needed to clean up the area, and I was walking around not really paying attention to anything as I was in a hurry to leave, and BAM!  I managed to run my head into a door.  Very HARD.  Boy oh boy did my head take a ding!  I immediately took a seat on the floor and started to wonder if I had a concussion.  I then rationalized that if indeed I had been concussed that I wouldn't be asking myself if I had a concussion, so I got up and scurried out the door.  Once I pulled up to the drive way I ran in the house to appease my stomach situation.  I won't get into much detail about what happened next, but I want to inform you in case you need a plunger, Rite Aid, Giant, and Rutters DO NOT carry them!  Thank God for Drain-O!  You would think that I would catch a break at this point, but nope.  I needed to mail something off, yesterday (yes, I specialize in procrastination), and couldn't find a stamp.  Basically my whole morning was a bust, and I got nothing done that I intended to do in preparation for the opening of True Circle Strength and my school work.  After all of that, the frustration started to get to me and all I could think about was EXERCISE.  I needed to workout, and I needed to do it soon! 

I drove back to the gym, and hopped on the Airdyne and did an interval for 20 minutes of :30 all out work :30 slow pace.  I then grabbed a jump rope and did another interval for 10 minutes.  I still was not satisfied.  I then ran 3 miles with no music, and finally, finally...my mind was at peace.  I was about halfway through my run and I began to laugh at myself and enjoy the moment.  It was at that moment I was reminded what fitness means to me. 

Aside from my pursuit to be stronger, faster, better and far off from wanting to look good naked, the origin of my fitness journey is spiritual.  Fitness fills a space in my mind, body, and soul that nothing else can.  It is not tangible.  It is a feeling that I get when I workout that relaxes me, even in the pain.  I remember as a young girl, if I was having a bad day or going through stress, I would grab my basketball and play until the hurt went away.  That is what fitness does for me.  It is my escape.  It is my release.  It is my therapy.  I need it just like I need air to breathe.  I don't particularly need it to be strong physically, though I do like a nice, heavy squat.  No.  I need it because it has helped me out of dark holes of despair.  Exercise was always there for me when no one else was.  It is a physical prayer that has helped me discover, me.  Fitness is spiritual for me.  When it comes to fitness, I am not really chasing PR's (though those are satisfying) or performance gains.  When it come to fitness, I am chasing personal gains mind, then body. 

What does fitness mean to you?  How has it shaped your life?  Have you ever thought about that before?

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