Why do you train? Think about it. Is it for improved and increased performance? Or would you just like to look good in the mirror? Whatever your answer is (hopefully your answer is performance based)…I suggest you work on your push- ups among other things. Push- ups, no matter how boring they might be, are essential in building any substantial strength and core stability.
Are YOU neglecting your push- up form? Why? I know one answer…because push- ups suck! They are not fun or exciting. They are hard and take A LOT of effort. Push- ups are not shiny and flashy like kettlebell swings and the snatch. They don’t get all the attention like a heavy squat clean and jerk. As a matter of fact, push- ups are the annoying little cousin of all exercises…nobody wants them around.
YES…push- ups suck! They’re hard and they are the buzz kill of any juicy looking metcon, but if you’re only goal is to race a clock…then your fitness goals and future strength gains are SCREWED! Yep. I said it. If time (NOT INTENSITY) is your only objective when you enter the gym…or ” box” in Crossfit speak…then it might be time to re-evaluate your training. You might also want to ask yourself why you do what you do? And why do you work so freakin’ hard? Is your answer to beat a clock, a workout partner, or be the top score of the day? Or are your goals deeper, richer, have more meaning? Would you like to improve sheer strength, power, stability, flexibility, stamina…and the like? Because if your goal is to be a better (stronger, faster) you…you should get the fundamentals down! PERIOD. Sound fundamental basics, translate BIG time to improved performance in many areas and fitness modalities.
Now it’s time to bore you. Let’s talk about the push- up…shall we? Here are some things to think about.
If you can deadlift more than your bodyweight, yet look like you’re practicing for Saturday night when doing a push up…something ain’t right. If you can do kipping pull- ups like Tarzan, but can’t do a strict dead hang pull- up…something ain’t right. If you call yourself fit and strong but can’t touch your chest to the deck for a set of 10 sexy, beautiful, pretty push- ups…something ain’t right.
Have you asked yourself; “self, why can’t I do strict pull- ups, ring dips, double unders, box jumps? And why haven’t my deadlift, squat, and press numbers gone up?” If you have asked those questions, while you're at it, maybe you should ask yourself why your push- ups suck? Don’t get mad, I’m Just sayin’. This is TOUGH LOVE...you know just a little love tap to motivate you. I just want you to do better. Be better!
Could the answer possibly be because you’re leaving out the fundamentals and want to go straight to the fun stuff? Are you afraid all the cool kids will laugh at you because you actually studied for the test?
Now…think about this. If you could do perfect push- ups (repeatedly) maybe, just maybe, you would learn to stabilize your shoulder blades and activate your TVA (ladies think kegels) in order to get that beasty deadlift weight you’ve been eyeballing. Quite possibly that all elusive strict pull- up will appear out of thin air. Just imagine it…wouldn’t that be awesome? YES it would be!
The push- up is simple. Not easy. Simple.
Merriam- Webster’s Dictionary defines the push- ups as a conditioning exercise performed in a prone position by raising and lowering the body with the straightening and bending of the arms while keeping the back straight and supporting the body on the hands and toes.
I know...YAWN.
Here’s the set up: Prone position (face down), hold your bodyweight up in a straight line or pencil, with your arms locked to extension and head neutral. RIGIDITY IS KEY! Keep your bootie, thighs, and abs SUPER tight. Start to lower your body to the floor by making your shoulders the motor of the movement, your chest should lead and everything else follows in ONE solid unit. Want a visual? I’ll let Annie show you:

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