Sunday, October 21, 2012


There's a simple truth that everyone knows: Perception is reality.

Basically, situations don't effect how we feel...thoughts do.  Our thoughts shape our beliefs, and our beliefs directly effect our behavior.

Let me spell it out.  What we believe, we matter if it's success or failure.  Our thoughts fuel our beliefs which in turn guide our actions.  This is the truth...and it's not going to change!

So why not ACT AS IF?

Why not act as if you're the best athlete to ever step foot on this planet?
Why not act as if you're going to PR on your back squat today?
Why not act as if you're going to make that workout your bitch today?
Why not act as if you're going to crush everyone in the WOD today?
Why not act as if you're going to get a Handstand Push-up today?
Why not act as if you're a winner?
Why not act as if you're a champion?
Why not act as if you can do anything and everything that you put your mind to?
Why not act as if you're a BAD ASS?

You should try to ACT AS IF!  I do it all the time, and it's fun!  Acting as if might feel unnatural at first, but just like with learning anything new, once you practice ACTING AS IF enough it becomes completely natural.

Here's a bit of truth that I want you to think about: Changes in belief often lead to corresponding changes in behavior!

Did you ponder that?  Did that just sink in?  I want you to really think about it dammit!

Let me repeat:  Changes in belief often lead to corresponding changes in behavior.  That's kind of deep right?
Here, let me break it down real simple like:  If you think you can!  If you think that you can't...well you can't...and probably won't even try.

I think you get the message.  Now go act as if you were insanely inspired by this message, and go take a chance on yourself and believe that you can do what you set your mind to and keep getting stronger!

I'm pretty sure that these women ACT AS IF!  Check it out.

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