Thursday, September 17, 2015


My mission is excellence.  I desire to live to the best of my ability.  And that is why I Am MissFit.  I live to be as strong as possible.  I live to learn as much as possible.  I live to experience as much as possible.  I strive to shine bright with a contagious radiance of beauty and confidence.  I want to reach the highest peak of my human potential while I am on this earth. 

I have accomplished great things before, but my past does not equal my future.  I want to be more tomorrow than I was yesterday, and I will use the NOW to catapult me into a cascade of excellence for as long as possible.  Because nothing is impossible.    

Contrary to what you may be thinking.  I don’t desire excellence in order to be the center of attention or appear bigger or better than anyone else.  My aim is to be an example of what is possible.  If I can reach my true potential, other women and young ladies may understand the power of their own potential and take one step closer to their dreams.  My motive is to motivate, inspire, and empower other women to dig deep down inside and relentlessly aspire to define for themselves what it means to be excellent.  I believe if I can strive for my personal definition of excellence, so can you.

I have decided that I am not confined to my fears of failure.  I have decided that even if I am scared, I will try until I succeed.  Because I know that if I try in the midst of being scared, once the smoke clears I will walk away a stronger woman. 

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