Sunday, September 11, 2016

Decide to Control

We are constantly in a state of learning how to think and remain positive in a world full of chaos and difficult challenges.  We are at war with ourselves, and many times we are unaware that a war is even taking place.  We are at war between negative influence and empowering positivity.  Due to this constant battle- we sometimes fall into a trap of believing we have no control over our outcome.  This is not true.  Do not believe the lie of others, which states you can’t or that you won’t or that something is impossible.  That is bullshit.  Don’t buy into the idea that you can’t, won’t, or shouldn’t.  You are in control of your life.  Listen to the voice inside of you communicating your truth. 

The most limiting factor to your success is the internal negative bullshit that you are thinking.  Not only do you believe this nonsense story, but you’re buying it in bulk and eating it every single day of your life.  Stop polluting your mind with this crap.  The story that you keep acknowledging is the one that will be acted out in your day to day life.  The thoughts that you create in your mind will be reflected in real life.

Who you are, what you do, and where you go, are the direct results of the thoughts that you choose.  Choose wisely.  Choose boldly.

You are in control of your thoughts.  No really, you are!  You are in the driver’s seat of your very own thinking.  You have the wheel.  You are in control of your final destination.

You can either think like a loser or think like a champion.  You can either think like a peasant or think like a queen.  The choice is very simply, yours.  You can either live free and be empowered with positivity or be a prisoner to a negative mindset.

Don’t worry.  Your thoughts don’t own you.  You own your thoughts.  You are in complete control.  You can change your stinking thinking RIGHT NOW and start RIGHT NOW down the path of positive thinking!  No Really!  You can!

How? You ask.

The answer is simple.  Decide to take control.  Decide to change the way you think.  You must make the decision that you are in control of your life and your thoughts.  Do it now.  Remember that simple does not mean easy.  Sometimes we have to rewire our thinking in order to understand that we have personal power and complete control over our lives. 

We can learn to control our thinking by rewiring and reprogramming the story that we have survived and thrived on for so long.  To do this we must first make the conscious decision that we must change our thinking.  Once the decision is made, only then can the journey begin.  The first step on this journey is to understand that you have control.  This is the most difficult of all the steps.  This can make or break many people, so buckle up…it might get bumpy.

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