Thursday, October 20, 2011


Today I am MissFit because I am COMMITTED.  I’m committed to the cause!  You might ask yourself what that cause is.  Well, let me tell you.  The cause is me!  I am committed to being a better me physically, mentally, and spiritually.  I am committed to being a better athlete, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, lover….a better woman.  Every minute, Every second, I am committed to the cause.  Even when I don’t feel like doing anything, I must push myself and take action in order to reach my dream.  Not completing my goals is not an option.  I must push through and accomplish the tasks that I set out to do, because that is what makes me better in life.  That is what creates a better me, and like I said…I am committed to the cause.  Today is my day to show the world that I am committed. 
I commit to being a better me so that others can see what is possible and aspire to be better themselves.  If one pebble can create a ripple in a pond…can you imagine the effect that one woman can have to inspire another woman?  Commit to your cause.  If you have a dream…commit.  If you have a goal…commit.  If you want to lose 25 pounds…commit.  If you want to get a muscle up…commit.  If you want to back squat 200 pounds…commit.  If you want to run a marathon…commit.  Commit, commit, COMMIT!  You never know what greatness lies ahead if you don’t push forward whole heartily.  Put 100 % into being your absolute best so that when the day is over you have no regrets and the world can see that you are MissFit.

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