Tuesday, December 25, 2012

100% of the Time

I have a mantra that I’m going to share with you.  “Give 100%, 100% of the time.” I believe that potential cannot be realized if it is not acted upon.  This is a constant reminder to me that in order to reach my goals and dreams I must give all that I have.  

Lately I’ve been asking myself a lot of questions.  I have re-evaluated my goals and my dreams.  I have questioned if the path that I’m on is the path that I have envisioned for myself.  As you can see, I check myself often.  I just want the best for myself.

I guess you can say that I’m hard on myself.  But to the people that really know me, this is how I have always been and how I will always be.  I demand the best effort out of me, especially when it comes to athletic endeavors.  I strive for excellence everyday.  I don’t like to settle, for anything.  I’m not scared to change if it means that I will get better.  I don’t give a shit if people talk about me or make fun of my efforts.  They don’t walk in my shoes and they have no idea about my life experiences and how hard I have worked to get to where I am.

Some days are harder than others.  Life is forever changing.  We experience ups and downs, peaks and valleys, highs and lows…should I go on?  Here’s the thing, we have to ask ourselves what we really want out of life.  Once you have found the answer, you must commit to your goals and give all that you have to obtain that goal!

Now, some people may tell you that it’s OK if you don’t reach your dreams.  Friends and family may tell you that it’s OK that you didn’t reach the goals that you set out for yourself.  There are some really kind hearted people out there that don’t want you to get down on yourself or feel sad, so they will give you words of comfort as to why it’s OK to be, OK.  

I am not one of those people.  Ok doesn’t sit well with me.  I want to be the best I can be.  I want to be better than I was yesterday.  Heck, I want to be better than I was 5 minutes ago.

Let me put it this way.  Would you settle for a C in school when you are more than capable of making an A?  I didn’t’ think so.  So when talking about health, fitness and sport performance, why would you settle for second fiddle when you deserve the best?

Don’t get me wrong.  I never want anyone to feel bad about themselves.  Never.  I am constantly trying to give positive energy and motivate those around me, but I am NOT a fan of mediocre efforts.  To me it’s very black and white.  You either give everything or you don’t. 

If you do give it all and don’t accomplish your goals, you can still feel good about yourself.  You can sleep well at night knowing that you gave every ounce of yourself.  More than likely, you became a better person and you've probably learned very valuable lessons along the way.  

On the other hand, If you did not give it your all, you have absolutely no right (in my opinion) to get upset with the outcome.  That may sound harsh.  That may sound mean.  Hell, that may even sound heartless.  But regardless of what you think of my opinion, it’s true.   

Going back to my school analogy, don’t get pissed if you fail a class when you didn’t even bother to study for the test.  Good things happen to those who commit to a goal and then work hard to achieve it.  Don't expect handouts. 

Moving into a 2013, I challenge each of you to make a goal for yourself that you are committed to.  I’m not talking about a New Year Resolution that you will forget about in two weeks.  No, I’m talking about choosing and committing to a goal that excites you.  Pick something that gives you butterflies just to think about.  Challenge yourself to chase something that you’ve always wanted, but scares the crap out of you.  Because if it makes you nervous, it's probably worth fighting for.  Once you decide upon a goal, have complete conviction and give 100% to obtain what you desire.  

Be on the lookout for future posts on goal setting and how to eliminate distractions.        

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